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We recognise that time spent away from the workplace needs to result in an impact on your future teaching and learning. Having had many years of experiencing and leading educational INSET we recognise what is effective and aim to make your day fun, thoughtful and memorable whilst equipping you with necessary skills to enhance your workplace. 

The day will be practical from the get-go and will provide many opportunities for you to experience learning from different perspectives - especially that of a child. Time will be provided for reflection and for groups to develop any specific development requirements as discussed before the day.

Activities may include team building tasks, specific curriculum based activities and practical forest school tasks.

The day will include tea, coffee and snacks as well as a buffet lunch (a range of platters).

Morning, afternoon and twilight sessions can be provided.

Health and safety

We aim to deliver a safe, high quality service. Our staff are qualified Forest School Leaders and include teachers with many years experience. All staff are qualified in providing outdoor first aid and have access to first aid kits.

We promise not to use a Power Point but to leave you with much to think about!