COVID-19 / Coronavirus
An update from Stocks Wood Outdoor Centre 09/12/21
We are currently open to provide pre-booked family sessions for up to approximately 30 people at a time, following our updated procedures and dynamic risk assessment (template provided by the Forest School Association).
We recognise that being outdoors in nature reduces stress, keeps us physically healthy, promotes wellbeing, boosts immunity and builds resilience.
Cancellation due to corona virus
Whilst it is appreciated that 72 hours notice cannot always be given if your families needs to self-isolate due to corona virus, please try to find friends to take your spaces in a session and confirm this with Julian or Claire. If that cannot be achieved, payment will still be required for the session. Whilst this is a difficult time for all, as a business, booked numbers are required to pay for their sessions to make the sessions financially viable.
In the event that Julian and Claire are required to self-isolate, they will inform booked participants immediately (and those who had visited the site within the last 48 hours). As Stocks Wood Outdoor Centre is a family run business it will be unable to run sessions whilst they are isolating. Apologies for any inconvenience caused in this event.
· If you are on the ‘vulnerable’ list, please do not attend a session (including drop-off or pick up).
· Anyone with a high temperature or even a mild cough must not attend a session.
· Anyone with a member of their household with either of these symptoms must not attend a session and should stay away for at least 10 days.
· Please bring your own drinks (and food when appropriate) and cups/crockery and do not share food with others.
· On arrival, wash hands with our sanitizing hand wash in the car park.
· Observe good hygiene. Hand washing facilities (tippy-tap) and hand sanitisers are provided in the woodland.
· The Cabin will only be used for ‘bubbles’ and sanisitised between use. Secondary school aged children and adults must wear a face mask if using the Cabin when Government rules/guidelines say facemasks must be worn indoors. Our fabric hammocks have been swapped to rope hammocks so they can be easily sanitised, unless the weather is dry and sanitising can be easily achieved..
. Maintain appropriate social distancing whilst on-site.
· Complete a dynamic risk benefit assessment (template provided by the Forest School Association).
· Provide water to rinse hands (tippy-tap) in the car park and woodland. Provide sanitising hand wash.
· The Cabin will only be used if masks are worn (where the Fovernment rules/guidance say facemasks must be worn indoors, unless exempt and will be sanisitised regularly. Our fabric hammocks have been swapped to rope hammocks so they can be easily sanitised, apart from in dry weather.
· Regularly sanitise door handles, work surfaces, etc. and the toilet.
- Continue to provide hand washing facilities (tippy tap) and hand sanitisers in the woodland.
· We will provide opportunities to toast marshmallows, etc. by providing bags/boxes for each family / group with ingredients prepared with gloved hands.
· Maintain appropriate social distancing whilst on-site and display additional social distancing signage.