Equal Opportunities Policy
We aim to promote equality in our sessions by recognising, respecting and valuing people’s differences. We strive for each participant to achieve to the best of their ability, irrespective of race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, age, attainment, disability, or background.
Where possible, we will seek to remove any barriers that hinder or exclude participants.
Children with medical needs or disabilities will be supported so they can take part in sessions. The site is located in a valley and access currently requires descending a large number of steps. Until a ramp is constructed, Stocks Wood Outdoor Centre staff will liaise with school staff about the most appropriate manner to enable anyone with mobility issues to access the site.
It is made very clear to schools about the appropriate clothing that children require for sessions. If children are ill-prepared for a session they may not be allowed to participate for their own health and safety.
There is a high degree of collaboration between adults and children, with support given through careful questioning to enable challenges to be tackled rather than through providing answers.
Children with challenging behaviour will be risk assessed and may require one to one supervision. If inappropriate behaviour continues they will be given up to three verbal warnings. Children who receive three verbal warnings in one session will miss the following session. In the event of behaviour causing harm to themselves or others they will miss the following session or in extreme cases arranged to return to school. (See Behaviour policy for details)